Események betöltése

« Összes Események

TENEBRAE – Levente Gyöngyösi responsoria

április 19 @ 6:00 DU. - 7:30 DU.

During Holy Week, which begins with the commemoration of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, liturgical rites recall the last events of Christ’s life on earth, reliving the story of the Passion of the Redeemer in the present time.

The texts of the responsories for the period from Jesus’ betrayal and arrest to his burial and lamentation, Good Thursday, Good Friday and Good Saturday, are drawn from the Passion narratives, the lamentations of the prophet Jeremiah and other biblical excerpts. These dramatic texts are given new musical expression by Levente Gyöngyösi, one of the leading figures in contemporary Hungarian choral music, who has already demonstrated his exceptional talent with his works. He has dedicated many of his compositions to Cantemus choirs, and the Cantemus Choir will sing the world premiere of his latest masterpiece at this concert.

This time, the first of the three-part, large-scale compositions will be performed in the first of the nine movements of the Maundy Thursday Responsories.



április 19
6:00 DU. - 7:30 DU.
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