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Levente Gyöngyösi’s composer’s evening – Liszt Academy, Great Hall

April 3 @ 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Levente Gyöngyösi’s composer’s evening – Liszt Academy, Great Hall

The unbroken fruitfulness of the long-standing professional relationship between the Cantemus Choir Family and Levente Gyöngyösi has this year enriched the choral literature of the 21st century with a major new choral work. The concert will be the premiere of Levente Gyöngyösi’s 9-movement motet Tenebrae responsoria.
Written for the Cantemus Choir, this work presents the dramatic texts of the responsories of Maundy Thursday with extreme expressiveness. The magnificent harmonic world, the unfailing melodic invention and the atmospheric creation that revives the Renaissance tradition of text painting promise a cathartic musical experience.

Pro Musica Girls’ Choir
Cantemus Choir

Szabó Dénes
Kossuth Prize-winning conductor
Szabó Soma
Liszt Prize-winning conductor

Part One
Motets for single and mixed choir
Part Two
Tenebrae responsories
– Feria Quinta – premiere
Nocturnus I.
Resp. 1: In monte Oliveti
Resp. 2: Tristis est anima mea
Resp. 3: Ecce vidimus eum
Nocturnus II.
Resp. 4: Amicus meus
Resp. 5: Juda mercator pessimus
Resp. 6: Unus ex dissipulis meis
Nocturnus III.
Resp. 7: Eram quasi agnus innocens
Resp. 8: Una hora non potuistis
Resp. 9: Seniores populi



April 3
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Event Category:


Cantemus Choral Institute
en_GBEnglish (UK)
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